
快樂休閒果園民宿Happiness B&B

快樂休閒果園民宿 Happy Leisure Orchard Homestay

美麗純樸的中山休閒農業區,感受真正的鄉村悠閒漫活。 寬闊的庭院空間,大器寬敞的客房與公用空間。 親友旅宿或聚會包棟的最優質推薦。

滿天星斗、蟲鳴晚安曲、清脆鳥啼起床號在宜蘭美麗純樸的中山休閒農業區,感受真正的鄉村悠閒漫活。快樂休閒果園民宿,有著寬闊的庭院空間,大器寬敞的客房與公用空間。這裡或許沒有過多華麗的裝飾,但潔淨舒適的環境,是民宿主人最誠摯的堅持。宜蘭民宿-快樂休閒果園,是您與親友旅宿或聚會包棟的最優質推薦。這裡的美好與感動 邀請您親自來感受。

Experience true farm life in the beautiful Jhong Shan Agriculture Leisure Area. Happy Leisure Orchard B&B has a wide courtyard, large suites and many common areas. There may not be many glamorous decorations, but the owners insist on providing a clean and comfortable environment. Come and enjoy the natural beauty here.

電話 TEL: 03-96807880912-298379
官網 Web: https://twstay.com/RWD1/index.aspx?BNB=happyorchard
地址 Add: 宜蘭縣冬山鄉中山村中山路666號