


要前往新寮瀑布,可在過新寮橋後,在仁山登山步道口前走右邊叉路,往前行。這條道路景觀相當漂 亮,前面是峰巒疊翠的綠色山脈,右邊則是時常乾枯的新寮溪。當地社區居民為了解決溪底叢生的雜草,想出了在此地放牛吃草的方法,一來解決了人工除草的麻 煩,二來也讓當地成為觀察水牛、白鷺的最佳場所。

Xinliao Waterfall is located in Jhong Shan Village, Dongshan Township. It’s the source of Dongshan River, and can be observed from the 900-meter-long Xinliao Waterfall Trail that leads up the valley. To protect the area, entrance to the trail is limited to 350 visitors per day.
Xinliao River begins 980 meters above sea level in Xinliao Mountain. Due to the varying levels of terrain, along the river’s course there are ten waterfalls. Xinliao Waterfall is the lowest level, its water going on to merge with Jiuliao River to become Dongshan River.
A rich variety of flora and fauna thrive beside the Waterfall. On the trail you’ll hear insects buzzing, see butterflies and damselflies fluttering about, and smell the fragrance of wood in the air. The trail is relatively short and easy, nicely layered with pebbles on one side and wood chips on the other, making it popular with visitors of all ages.
At the end of the trail, Xinliao Waterfall comes into view. Water rushes down from 30 meters above into a deep and whirling green pool below, a wondrous sight. The atmosphere here is cool and refreshing; take the negative ions in with a deep breath and feel all your troubles fall away.