
永光宮Yungguang Temple




中山村38年成立後,為方便中元普渡與眾神明,由當時村長張金土,發動民力,於現今中山分校處,興建一座茅草屋,將三尊神明奉祀於廟內。訂定每年農曆元月初三恭迎媽祖聖駕至本宮內作客,並藉以聯絡親朋好友情感。後來經信徒反應,以擲杯方式,得到神明同意,改為農曆元月二十五日。 起初為教育英才廟裡也充當教室,民國五十八年永光宮管理委員會成立後,由林圳松先生、蕭阿昌先生捐獻土地,經擲杯允杯後,始遷於現址,建築為一座鋼筋水泥結構,經擲杯允杯後,並將本宮取名永光宮,取其「神恩永久光大」之意,並祈求風調雨順、國泰民安、物富民豐,子孫永保安康。

This temple worships Three Mountain Kings as its guardians. The first king, Hsiao Hsian Chi of Jioliao, was a fung shui specialist. The second king, Chiang A-Tsai of Xinliao, was a doctor, while the third king, Li Chun An of Chungcheng, was a soldier (whose descendants have moved to Wanshan Village). Early locals worshipped them at home. After Zongshan Village was founded in 1949, in order to conduct the Chunyuan Festival, the mayor, Zhang Jin-Tu, with villagers built a wooden shed at the current site of Zongshan school, and placed idols of the three gods in the temple. It was declared that Mazu would visit the temple on January 3rd of the lunar calendar, in order to improve their friendship. This was subsequently changed to January 25th due to worshippers’ reaction and divine consent. The temple was used as a classroom as well. The administrating committee of Yunguang Temple was established in 1969, and a site was donated by Mr. Lin Jun-Sung and Mr. Hsiao A-Tsang. After receiving divine consent from gods, the temple was relocated to the current site, being rebuilt into a concrete construction. The temple was named Yunguang Temple, signifying eternal light.